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Sponsors sought to bring Manx Shop Fronts to Castletown and Onchan
Following on from the completion of its four “ten years on” projects around the Island, Manx Shop Fronts …
MSF on tour
Whilst attending a family wedding in Thailand at Christmas I was struck by the number and character of hardware shops in Bangkok’s Chinatown. Obviously lacking our usual rigour, completeness, and …
Port St Mary “ten years on” – complete
Post St Mary is the last of the four Manx towns and villages I photographed in the early 2010s, and I am delighted to be able to complete this set …
Ballasalla is the latest addition to and we hope marks just the beginning of a new phase following on from …
Publicity for Laxey and Port Erin 2012: Ten years on
IoMToday: “More than 300 businesses captured in photographs in ‘10 years on’ project”
Culture Vannin on Facebook:
300+ ten year Manx shopfront comparisons
With the addition of Laxey and Port Erin to the “ten years on” project, we now have over 300 comparisons of shops and their workers in the project which began …
Fieldwork complete for Laxey/Garff and Port Erin
Port Erin 2012: Ten years on
Great news that Port Erin have joined the project and will be photographed again this summer and will become the third place with a longitudinal element to the photography.
Funding has …
Laxey 2012: Ten years on
We’re delighted to announce that Laxey will be the second place on the Isle of Man to receive the “ten years on” treatment in our photography project.
Funding has been approved …