Port Erin 2012 – Ten years on

Port Erin is the third place on the Island to be revisited to examine changes over the last decade.

Businesses: Please submit details of your business now.

Once again we are grateful to Culture Vannin, and Port Erin Commissioners, and new supporters Port Erin Traders/Visit Port Erin and Chrystals who financed the project. Port Erin Commissioners said: “we were delighted to be part of the project capturing the village’s businesses ten years on. It has been fantastic to see many new businesses having established themselves in Port Erin alongside other amazing local businesses which have been trading within Port Erin for many years prior to the initial project in 2012”.

Fieldwork took place at the beginning of August 2022.


New Businesses…


Almost 1/3 of photographed businesses are new in the last ten years

Department of Home Affairs Staff Development Centre2022-11-25T14:12:56+00:00
Port Erin Police Station Station Road, Port Erin IM9 6AA
Age Concern donations depot2022-11-29T14:44:48+00:00
Age Concern Donations office, Church Road

Same Portraits…


The brave ones

In most cases I photographed different people to represent the businesses to those in 2012. But for over 20% of all organisations I had the privilege to photograph the same people, much more than in other towns. Special thanks go to those brave people who agreed to be photographed for a second time.

New Location…


Moving around…

4 businesses had moved premises in the ten year gap.

Same businesses


Business as Usual…

For the majority of businesses and organisations, it was the same business in the same location, with the same or similar business activity over the ten year period, although in most cases new people were photographed.

Vacant premises


Gone but not forgotten…

There were very few vacant premises in Port Erin at the time of the survey.

Former Shoprite – Living2022-12-01T16:30:52+00:00
Former Shoprite - Living
Former Little Shoprite/Iceland2022-11-29T14:22:59+00:00
Little Shoprite, Church ROad
Vacant premises – former Bet-a-Bet2022-11-29T12:09:42+00:00
Former Bet a Bet Racing 12 Church Road Port Erin IM9 6AQ